Watchmen: Chapter II (2024)
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In an alternate 1985 America, a group of retired superheroes investigate a conspiracy after one of their own is murdered.
Hustlers Take All (2024)
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When an underground casino run by women recruits a brilliant young business grad, the casino's biggest rival hatches a murderous plot to stay on top.
Watchmen: Chapter I (2024)
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In an alternate world history shaped by superheroes, once-celebrated "costumed adventurers" have been banned by a society disenchanted with vigilantism. Now, in 1985, the murder of hero-turned-government operative 'The Comedian' draws the attention of 'Rorschach,' the last of the outlawed vigilantes. Rorschach's investigation embroils his retired colleagues 'Nite Owl,' 'Silk Spectre,' 'Dr. Manhattan' and 'Ozymandias' in conflict with their pasts, with each other, and in a mystery that threatens their lives and a world on the brink of war.