Anime Supremacy! (2022)

Genres: Drama,
Category: Latest-HD, Top-Movies-2022,
Released: 20th May 2022
Duration: 129 min mins
Produced In: Japan
Language: English
Directed By: Kohei Yoshino
Starring: Riho Yoshioka, Tomoya Nakamura, Tasuku Emoto,

Anime Supremacy! description:

Hitomi Saito, who has jumped into the world of the anime industry, makes her directorial debut and competes for the title of "Haken" (supremacy) with the star director of her dreams, Chiharu Oji. Chiharu, who previously produced many mega-hit films, is returning to the director's chair for the first time in eight years. Hitomi struggles to win the title together with the peculiar producer and her unique colleagues.

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