BL Metamorphosis (2022)

Genres: Romance,
Category: Latest-HD, Top-Movies-2024,
Released: 17th June 2022
Duration: 118 min mins
Produced In: Japan
Language: English
Directed By: Shunsuke Kariyama
Starring: Mana Ashida, Kotone Furukawa, Tomoko Ikuta,

BL Metamorphosis description:

Urara Sayama is a 17-year-old high school student, who doesn't have any friends or a boyfriend. Her only enjoyment is reading boy's love manga, which she keeps it as a secret. She also works part-time as a cashier at a bookstore. There, she meets 78-year-old Yuki Ichinoi, who has lived alone since her husband passed away. She happens to buy a BL manga due to its eye pleasing cover. Since that purchase, Yuki becomes a fan of the manga genre. Due to their common interest in BL manga, Urara and Yuki develop a friendship and they decide to take on a challenge.

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