Montréal Girls (2023)

Genres: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
Category: Latest-HD, Top-Movies-2024,
Released: 2nd June 2023
Duration: 94 min mins
Produced In: Canada, United States,
Language: English
Directed By: Patricia Chica
Starring: Hakim Brahimi, Jasmina Parent, Sana Asad,

Montréal Girls description:

'Montreal Girls' tells the story of Ramy, a young Middle Eastern poet who is off to Montreal to study medicine. There he meets his wild cousin Tamer who introduces him to the city's vibrant underground subcultures and thrilling nightlife. This exciting new world inspires Ramy's innate desire to dedicate himself to poetry and hurls him into a tumultuous relationship with two young women who shatter his perceptions and reveal to him his destiny.

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